OFBC Prayer List

This is the current Old Fellowship Baptist Church Prayer List.

Mr. Hay

Lou Bragg (Stroke)

Buzzy Bragg

Angel and Kenny Wilson

Georgia Kate Anderson


Middle East

Beth Harville (Jennifer H. Williams cousin’s wife, breast cancer)

Drew Sherrod (Middle East deployment)

Chris and Martha Armstrong (Chris skin cancer)

Frank Cliett (home)

Santos Rivera and Family (He is deployed until Jan/Feb 2025)

Nolan and Betty Gilbert (Zech Gilbert’s parents)

Lavern Sanders

Louise Sherrod (Open heart surgery)

Hazel Anderson (Mindy Davis' Grandmother, congestive heart failure)

Virginia Purvis (Thomas Purvis’ mother)

Charles (Chuck) Carter Family

Steven Sanders Family

Dianne White Family (friend of Gloria Bray)

If you would like to add someone, please reach us by filling out the form below. Thank you!