Sunday School Classes

From young to "young at heart"

We've got a class for you...

No matter what season of life you're in, we have a Sunday School class to suit you. We encourage you to "plug-in" where you see fit. We want you to be comfortable and settle in where you can grow the way the Lord sees fit.


Still in diapers? We've got you covered. Our nursery staff does an excellent job caring for "your baby".

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Your little one is elementary school age and what a better time to get them involved with Sunday School!

3rd-6th Grade

Your kids are growing up so fast and this class will help them grow with the Lord at the same pace.


From ages 11-18, our Youth Group is full of passionate young girls and boys that are on fire for The Lord!

Young Fellowship

From college aged to middle aged, this class looks at serving Christ in your 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Good Shepherds

Continue your walk with Christ with our insightful and thought-provoking Good Shepherds class.

Mamie Woodward Women's Class

Young at heart and a heart for Christ. Not a better group of women around.

Buck Sherrod Men's Class

Men helping make disciples of other men. This class is such a blessing for our more seasoned men.